Package io.radar.sdk.model


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class RadarAddress(coordinate: RadarCoordinate, formattedAddress: String?, country: String?, countryCode: String?, countryFlag: String?, dma: String?, dmaCode: String?, state: String?, stateCode: String?, postalCode: String?, city: String?, borough: String?, county: String?, neighborhood: String?, street: String?, number: String?, addressLabel: String?, placeLabel: String?, confidence: RadarAddress.RadarAddressConfidence)
Represents an address.
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class RadarBeacon(_id: String?, description: String?, tag: String?, externalId: String?, uuid: String, major: String, minor: String, metadata: JSONObject?, rssi: Int?, location: RadarCoordinate?)
Represents a Bluetooth beacon.
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class RadarChain(slug: String, name: String, externalId: String?, metadata: JSONObject?)
Represents the chain of a place.
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class RadarCircleGeometry(center: RadarCoordinate, radius: Double) : RadarGeofenceGeometry
Represents the geometry of a circle geofence.
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class RadarContext(geofences: Array<RadarGeofence>, place: RadarPlace?, country: RadarRegion?, state: RadarRegion?, dma: RadarRegion?, postalCode: RadarRegion?)
Represents the context for a location.
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class RadarCoordinate(latitude: Double, longitude: Double)
Represents a location coordinate.
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class RadarEvent(_id: String, createdAt: Date, actualCreatedAt: Date, live: Boolean, type: RadarEvent.RadarEventType, geofence: RadarGeofence?, place: RadarPlace?, region: RadarRegion?, beacon: RadarBeacon?, trip: RadarTrip?, alternatePlaces: Array<RadarPlace>?, verifiedPlace: RadarPlace?, verification: RadarEvent.RadarEventVerification, confidence: RadarEvent.RadarEventConfidence, duration: Float, location: Location)
Represents a change in user state.
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data class RadarFraud(proxy: Boolean, mocked: Boolean)
Learned fraud state for the user
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class RadarGeofence(_id: String, description: String, tag: String?, externalId: String?, metadata: JSONObject?, geometry: RadarGeofenceGeometry?)
Represents a geofence.
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sealed class RadarGeofenceGeometry
Represents the geometry of a geofence.
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class RadarPlace(_id: String, name: String, categories: Array<String>, chain: RadarChain?, location: RadarCoordinate, group: String?, metadata: JSONObject?)
Represents a place.
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class RadarPolygonGeometry(coordinates: Array<RadarCoordinate>, center: RadarCoordinate, radius: Double) : RadarGeofenceGeometry
Represents the geometry of a polygon geofence.
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class RadarRegion(_id: String, name: String, code: String, type: String, flag: String?)
Represents a region.
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class RadarRoute(distance: RadarRouteDistance?, duration: RadarRouteDuration?, geometry: RadarRouteGeometry?)
Represents a route between an origin and a destination.
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class RadarRouteDistance(value: Double, text: String)
Represents the distance of a route.
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class RadarRouteDuration(value: Double, text: String)
Represents the duration of a route.
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class RadarRouteGeometry(coordinates: Array<RadarCoordinate>?)
Represents the distance of a route.
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class RadarRouteMatrix(matrix: Array<Array<RadarRoute?>?>?)
Represents routes between multiple origins and destinations.
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class RadarRoutes(geodesic: RadarRoute?, foot: RadarRoute?, bike: RadarRoute?, car: RadarRoute?, truck: RadarRoute?, motorbike: RadarRoute?)
Represents routes from an origin to a destination.
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class RadarSegment(description: String, externalId: String)
Represents a user segment.
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class RadarTrip(_id: String, externalId: String, metadata: JSONObject?, destinationGeofenceTag: String?, destinationGeofenceExternalId: String?, destinationLocation: RadarCoordinate?, mode: Radar.RadarRouteMode?, etaDistance: Double?, etaDuration: Double?, status: RadarTrip.RadarTripStatus)
Represents a trip.
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class RadarUser(_id: String, userId: String?, deviceId: String?, description: String?, metadata: JSONObject?, location: Location, geofences: Array<RadarGeofence>?, place: RadarPlace?, beacons: Array<RadarBeacon>?, stopped: Boolean, foreground: Boolean, country: RadarRegion?, state: RadarRegion?, dma: RadarRegion?, postalCode: RadarRegion?, nearbyPlaceChains: Array<RadarChain>?, segments: Array<RadarSegment>?, topChains: Array<RadarChain>?, source: Radar.RadarLocationSource, proxy: Boolean, trip: RadarTrip?, mocked: Boolean)
Represents the current user state.